Saturday, November 26, 2011

Who Will Win Westros? #2

Who is Jon Snow?

Bastard son of Ned Stark does not seem adequate any longer. A lot of birds seem to think he is the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar. The only grievance I have with that theory is 'Why didn't I think of that myself?'


Rhaegar might not have raped Lynanna as Ned would have us believe or have Robert believe.
Only Robert seems to think Rhaegar was a monster. Everyone else seems to think he was almost godlike.
GRRM repeatedly states - Arya looks like Lyanna - Jon looks like Arya ergo Jon looks like Lyanna.
Lyanna died - noone knows exactly how.
Noone knows who Jon's mother is.
Princess Ashara eliminated from picture as Ser Barristan clarifies the circumstances of her death.
Also, the Targaryen dragon needs a third head - Daenerys, Aegon and Jon?

Why would Ned lie?

To protect his sister's son. Robert had already murdered (by proxy) Elia's children and would not have taken kindly to a son of Rhaegar and Lyanna. So, the only way to keep the child safe would be to splash some dirt on his own impeccable name and tell everyone that Jon is his bastard son.

Is Jon Azor Ahai?

Possible. Melisandre keeps seeing him in the fires whenever she looks for the prince that was promised.
Possible Targaryen + Stark bloodline - Ice and Fire
Prophesy fits more or less.
Ideally placed to fight the Others.

Is Jon dead?

I don't think so. So much pain to create such a character and so tame a death? So many unsolved riddles, unanswered questions? It is GRRM's habit to kill off characters just as they become interesting... Also, he can't have anarchy at the wall at this moment. Melisandre is also conveniently at hand to give him the Kiss of Life which is apparently R'hllor special.

So far so much. Will expand as I go.

1 comment:

vk said...

hmm. this is of course if grrm lives long enough to write books 6 and 7. but i'm enjoying your fangirlness. :-)